最近在看 awstats 所做的結果時,忽然想到這些log,是否也包含不少內部流量? 為了能剔除這些內部流量,更精確的反應真正來自於外部的流量。查了一下設定檔,發現果然可以設定過濾某些IP、網段不列入分析結果。 以下,則節錄設定檔內該部分的資訊 # Do not include access from clients that match following criteria. # If your log file contains IP addresses in host field, you must enter here # matching IP addresses criteria. # If DNS lookup is already done in your log file, you must enter here hostname # criteria, else enter ip address criteria. # The opposite parameter of "SkipHosts" is "OnlyHosts". # Note: Use space between each value. This parameter is not case sensitive. # Note: You can use regular expression values writing value with REGEX[value]. # Change : Effective for new updates only # Example: " REGEX[^192\.168\.] REGEX[^10\.]" # Example: "localhost REGEX[^.*\.localdomain$]" # Default: "" # SkipHosts=""